OUTNANO out-of-equilibrium nanophotonics

OUTNANO is a Marie Curie Fellowship in the H2020 program funding activity on Out of Equilibrium Nano-photonics

The Marie Curie Fellow is Andrea Marini, a top level young scientist with an extended research career in Nonlinear Photonics.

A new approach for studying novel optical materials in out-of-equilibrium ultrafast dynamics is the goal of this interdisciplinary projects committing together ideas of statical mechanics of complex systems and nonlinear photonics. We will conceive a new generation of nonlinear devices operating at the fastest achievable speeds for classical and quantum applications.

Team of the OUTNANO project

Andrea Marini

Claudio Conti

Complexity in Nonlinear Photonics in Como

School description:

The school brings together experts in emerging photonic technologies and fundamental physics to share with young researchers their knowledge and interdisciplinary approaches for understanding and designing complex photonic systems. The areas covered by the school include: complexity of optical communication systems, in particular topics such as the nonlinear Fourier transform and transmission over multimode fibres, complexity in quantum systems emulated in photonics (including optical computing), PT-symmetric systems, complexity of emerging novel materials and components like meta-surfaces and micro-resonators. Importantly, the complexity in bio-medical photonic applications will be also considered as a high priority topic.

Home page of the school