Accelerated electrons go farther if out-of-equilibrium


We explore the nonlinear response of plasmonic materials driven by ultrashort pulses of electromagnetic radiation with temporal duration of few femtoseconds and high peak intensity. By developing the Fokker-Planck-Landau theory of electron collisions, we solve analytically the collisional integral and derive a novel set of hydrodynamical equations accounting for plasma dynamics at ultrashort time scales. While in the limit of small light intensities we recover the well established Drude model of plasmas, in the high intensity limit we observe nonlinear quenching of collision-induced damping leading to absorption saturation. Our results provide a general background to understand electron dynamics in plasmonic materials with promising photonic applications in the manipulation of plasma waves with reduced absorption at the femtosecond time scale.

Andrea Marini, Alessandro Ciattoni, and Claudio Conti, Collision quenching in the ultrafast dynamics of plasmonic materials in ArXiv:1808.03669

Nonlinear Optics 2019 at Hawaii launched !!!

The NLO 2019 OSA workshop has been launched. This is the periodical world-famous event on the last developments of nonlinear optics.

The NLO 2019 edition will be open to new directions as quantum nonlinear optics, machine learning, novel soft- and bio-materials,  nanomedicine and imaging applications. 

Stay tuned and do not miss the opportunity to visit Hawaii and enjoy an exciting scientific and natural environment.

The Bathynomus propinquus

Testing the new Gutenberg editor of WordPress : the visit at the Harvard Museum of Natural History

One of the most surprising animals of the last century :  the Bathynomus propinquus

Why this nice fluffy has such big eyes if he leaves in the soil of the dark deep ocean?

I first read about the giant isopod in the wonderful book “In the Blink of an Eye” by Andrew Parker, a surprising tour in evolution and the Cambrian explosion , see the enlightened game of life.

Recently, I was able to visit the Harvard Museum of Natural Hystory, where you find the footprints of writers and scientists as Stephen Jay Could, and you can meet the fluffy puppy above.

With a primitive fish (the one smiling but without glasses) at the Harvard Museum

Read many books for many years ! (and visit the museums)