Claudio Conti (Ph.D. 2002) is an associate professor at the Department of Physics of the University Sapienza in Rome (IT).
Short bio
CLAUDIO CONTI is the author of over 250 articles published in top-level journals (including 36 Physical Review Letters, 1 Nature, 1 Science, 2 Nature Physics, 5 Nature Communications, and 4 Nature Photonics). He authored the book Quantum Machine Learning (Springer). Among his recent interests is the merging of concepts in the science of complexity, machine learning, photonics, and nonlinear optics towards applications such as Ising machines and fundamental tests of quantum mechanics.
CC has been the Director of the Institute of Complex Systems of the Italian National Research Council (ISC-CNR) in Rome (Italy) from 2014 to 2023. Formerly, he was New Talent Grant from the Research Center Enrico Fermi, Humboldt fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light; Senior Researcher at CNR, Principal Investigator of the Starting Independent Research Grant from the European Research Council (ERC), with the project Light and Complexity; Principal Investigator of the ERC Proof of Concept Grant Vanguard; Principal Investigator of the Templeton Foundation Grant Generalized Uncertainty Principle and the Photon.
CC contributed to over 150 international conferences (>50 invited talks). CC has more than 10000 citations in Google Scholar.
Workshop, conferences, schools, and seminars
Photonic Spin Glasses, Hilary Term Seminar. Atomic Laser Physics series, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, 19 February 2024, Invited
Some Topological Photonics, Physics&Topology workshop, Department of Physics, University Sapienza, 29 January 2024, Invited Speaker
Theory and experiments in neuromorphic computing with classical waves, Frontiers of Neuromorphic Computing, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, 5-7 September 2023, Erlangen (GE), Invited speaker
Photonic machines for large-scale applications and fundamental physics, CLEO Europe / EQEC 2023, 26-30 June, Munich (GE), EQEC Plenary Speaker
Photonic Machine Learning by Disordered Materials, 2nd International School and Conference on Disorder in Material Science – DISOMAT 2023, 19-21 June, Plankstetten bei Berching, Invited Talk online
Quantum Machine Learning at the 12th Optoelectronics and Photonics Winter School on the topic Photonic Quantum Information Processing (PQIP2023), Jan 22-28, Monte Bondone (Trento, TN), Two invited lectures
Large-scale photonic computing, IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter Annual Symposium 2022, Nov 24-25, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Plenary speaker
Large-scale photonic computing, RUSA online lecture (youtube) at the Department of Nonlinear Dynamics, University Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India, invited
Large-scale photonic computing, International Workshop on Physical Computing, Erice, Sicily, Oct 29 – Nov 6, Invited
Hyperspin Machines, Coherent Network Computing 2022, Stanford University, Oct. 24-26, Invited
Hyperspin Machines, The International Conference on Hybrid Photonics and Materials, HPM 2022, October 3-7, Hydra, Greece, Invited
Machine Learning Photonics 2022, Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, August 29 – September 2, Director
Sony Computer Science Lab Seminar, Photonic Accelerators for Large Scale Computing, June 29, 2022, Invited
Colloquium at the Department of Physics, University of Pernambuco, Replica Symmetry Breaking in Random Lasers: the experimental test of the Parisi theory, March 11, 2022. Invited (flyer).
Colloquium at the Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Rochester, From Complex Replica Symmetry Breaking to Simple Optical Machine Learning, October 27, 2021. Invited.
2021 OSA Photonics in Switching and Computing. 27-29 September (online). The Spatial Ising Machine and the Extreme Learning Machine. Invited.
Interdisciplinary Symposium Micro, Nano, and Molecular Systems, Schloss Rinberg, September 15-18, 2021 Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany, Photonic Computing by Spatial Light Modulation, Invited
Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting, 9-13 August 2021 (online), General Chair
Wavecomplexity International Networking Event, July 1-2, Invited
NoLineal 20-21 Online, 12th International Conference on Nonlinear Mathematics and Physics, Madrid, June 30 – July 2, Neuromorphic Computing by Waves, Plenary Speaker
NMP2021, Neuromorphic Photonics, 11th Optoelectronics and Photonics Summer School (online and onsite), Monte Bondone (Trento, IT) 20-26 June, Invited Lecturer
Photonics North 2021, Virtual Conference, May 31 – June 2, Photonic wave computing and the extreme learning machine, Invited
Job Placement Student Meeting ISC-CNR @ Dep. Physics Sapienza, 25 May, Invited
Machine Learning Photonics, Summer School Online, March 15-19, Lake Como School of Advanced Photonics, Lecturer and Director of the School
SPIE Photonics West 2021 Digital Forum, Online March 6-11, AI and Optical Data Science, Spatial Ising machine: photonic acceleration and adiabatic evolution, Invited
Wave complexity and the spatial Ising machine, The 50th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics PQE-2020, January 5-10, Snowbird, US, Invited
Ising machines and reservoir computing with tumor models, Photonic Reservoir Computing and Information Processing in Complex Network, December 4-7, Trento, Italy, Director
Wave complexity and computation, Seminaire Generaux, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB), October 9, Paris (FR), Invited
Deep reservoir computing in tumor cells, Optics at Nanoscale (ONS’19), September 9-11, Anacapri, Italy, Invited
Ising machines and reservoir computing with tumor models, ML-Photonica 2019, August 26-27, Belgrad, Serbia, Invited
Machine learning for quantum and classical devices, SPIE.Optics+Photonics 2019, August 11-15, San Diego, USA, Invited
Tutorial speaker at CIOP 2019, Complexity, topology, and machine learning in nonlinear optics, August 6-9, Xi’an, China
Keynote Speaker at PIERS 2019, Quantum and Classical X-waves with Angular Momentum, June 17-20, Rome, Italy
Multimodal Propagation, Deep Learning, and Optical Neural Networks, PIERS 2019, June 17-20, Rome, Italy, Invited
Machine Learning Photonics (including topological), Workshop on Topological Photonics and Beyond (TPD 2019), Nankai University, June 30-July 3 2019, Tianjin, China, Invited
Deep reservoir computing in tumor cells and Ising machines by spatial light modulators, Artificial Intelligence in nanophotonics (IWANN 2019 workshop), June 12-14 2019, Gran Canaria, Spain, Invited
Plenary Speaker at Waves Cote d’Azur , Waves and Complexity, 4-7 June 2019, Nice, France
Lecturer at the Andalo Winter School on Nonlinear Photonics NLP2019
Lessons on Complex Photonics in GitHub
Nonlinear optics in disordered media and other things, August 21-24, Nonlinear Photonics International Summer School, Novosibirsk (Russia), Invited
Pseudo-quantum gravity with nonlinear optics, 8 February 2018, seminar at NTU, Department of Physics (Singapore)
Replica Symmetry Breaking in Disordered Nonlinear Waves, Advanced Photonics 2018 Congress, ETH Zurich, 2-5 July 2018, Invited
Topological Cascade Lasers, seminar at the University of Ottawa, 24 Jan 2018, and at the Nankai University, 27 Aprile 2019
Topological cascade laser, Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference, OPTIC 2017, Kaohsiung, 7-9 December 2019, Invited
Complex Photonics, Complexity in Nonlinear Photonics 2017, 25-29 September, Como (IT), Invited
Pseudo-quantum gravity, Workshop Chiral Photonics, Erlangen, September 2017, Invited
Quantum soliton evaporation and other topics, Discrete, Nonlinear and Disordered Optics, DINDOS17, Max Planck Institute of Complex Physics, Dresden, 8-12 May 2017, Invited
Nonlinear optics, optomechanics, and antibacterial coating by graphene and graphene oxide, SPIE Photonics West OPTO 2017, 28 January – 2 February, San Francisco, Invited
Random Lasers, International Workshop on Complex Photonics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 22-24 January 2017, Mumbai, Invited
Nonlinear Gamow Vectors, Nonlinear Waves 2016, June 25-28, 2016, Beijing, CN, Invited
Nonlinear Gamow Vectors, XXXVI Dynamics Days Europe 2016, June 6-10, Corfu, GR, Invited
Complexity of Nonlinear Waves, CHAOS 2016, May 23-26, 2016, London, UK, Invited
Shock waves and Antibacterial Cloaks, CIOP 2016, July 17-20, 2016, Shanghai, CN, Invited
Unconventional Quantum Nonlinear Optics, Fluids of Light Workshop 2016, 17-19 Oct, Edinburgh (UK), Invited
Invited key-speaker at the discussion panel “Future Directions in Nonlinear Optics” of the OSA Nonlinear Optics Technical Group, at Frontier in Optics, Frontier in Optics, 2015, October 18-22, San Jose, California (USA)
Quantum Gravity Simulation and Irreversibility in Nonlinear Optics, Nonlinear Optics (NLO) 2015, July 26-31, Kauai, Hawai (USA), Invited
Optomechanics of Random Media, Photonics North 2015, May 24-26, 2015, Ottawa, CA, Invited
Simulation of Irreversible Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in Nonlocal Nonlinear Optics, Photonics Middle East Conference 2015, December 13-16, Doha, QA, Invited
Conference organization
General Chair with Robert W. Boyd of Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting, 9-13 August 2021 (online)
Director of the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies “Machine Learning Photonics,” 15-19 March 2021
Program Chair with Robert W. Boyd of the OSA Nonlinear Optics NLO 2019, 15-19 July, Hawaii (US)
Organizer of the Symposium EP07: Tailored Disorder – Novel Materials for Advanced Optics and Photonics, 2018 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, November 25-30, with H. Cao, S. Mujumdar and C. Zollfrank
Full list of publications
Contact Info
Scopus, Orcid and all that
ArXiv identifier conti_c_1